So, about that launch…

I’m sorry, we’re not launching today.

This was supposed to be the triumphant “we’re live!” post but it’s not. We’re so very close, but there are still just enough rough edges to push us into “we’re not ready” territory and I’m not going to launch a product that isn’t ready.

I said we were planning to be open today, even as late as this afternoon, but things just aren’t quite there yet. I know you’re disappointed, I am too. Launching today would have been a bad experience for you and that’s not OK. I want you to be as happy with the platform we’ve built as I am. The team has put in an extraordinary amount of work over the last few weeks and they’ve built something really great.

It’s been a long day — we’re calling it a night and will set a new launch date within the next day or two. Don’t worry, we’re still going to be ready before WebFaction starts forcing migrations!